Being Mindful
A 6-week course introducing you to mindfulness
The mindfulness course teaches practical mindfulness techniques to bring back focus, concentration, awareness and a sense of calm to everyday life. Mindfulness is being advocated in many areas of healthcare to manage many conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, heart conditions – in fact overall health and wellbeing are shown to be improved if the techniques are used in daily life.
During the mindfulness course you will learn to journey into the stillness within, exploring several mindfulness exercises to:
• Feel the inner power of the quiet mind
• Uncover and work with negative emotions which hold us back
• Understand how opening the heart heals the body and relationships
• Practice paying attention from moment to moment
• Deepen your ability to concentrate and be still, relaxing into just being yourself
Numbers are limited to 12 people so please get in touch soon if you would like to book your place:
Cheryl Finch – Tel: 07766 118 247
Next Course: TBC